Why Lawyers Make Good Early-Stage Startup Hires


By Daniel Doktori and Sarah Reed (culled From hbr.org)

It’s a startup shibboleth that entrepreneurship and formal education don’t mix. For icons such as Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, so goes the lore, finishing a bachelor’s degree would have only stifled the creativity that fueled their companies to stratospheric success. PayPal founder Peter Thiel offers a $100,000 fellowship to “young people who want to build new things instead of sitting in a classroom.” Graduate degrees are thought to merely exacerbate the problem of too much thinking, too little doing. And while high-profile efforts by top business schools to teach and promote entrepreneurship have lessened the stigma around the MBA, the law degree continues to occupy a unique place of villainy among the startup set. After all, YouTube, Uber, and Airbnb, among many others, were founded on ideas that challenged, if not broke, laws and regulations. When it comes to a tech startup, lawyers are a bug, not a feature. Right?

Maybe not. Lawyers can add value in the obvious ways, helping to avoid early mistakes like issuing stock too late in the game, when the company has grown in value and the employees can no longer take advantage of favorable tax treatment. But more importantly, a lawyer on the early team can contribute to a thriving company culture by asking the right questions at the right times, providing perspective on crucial transactions, and getting smart fast on issues where the rest of the team lacks expertise.

Lawyers help startups deal with common transactions and avoid costly mistakes.

Issuing equity to the early team often triggers time-sensitive filings with the IRS. Successfully commercializing a product depends upon clean and clear lines of intellectual property ownership. Raising outside financing requires compliance with complex securities laws. A misstep on any of these items could mean an early exit for a startup company (and not the good kind). A corporate lawyer with a few years of relevant training can help navigate these and other common set-up requirements.

Moreover, lawyers, particularly corporate transactional lawyers, have repeated exposure to the types of deals — and the associated risks — that a startup will face. The dynamics between a CEO and the investors on her board are a function of the legal arrangements articulated in the financing agreements. The relationship between a company and its customers stems from a license agreement governing how users may interact with a product. Partnering with a larger company in a similar industry can, in the best case, open new markets or, in the worst, box a company into a corner, severely limiting options for growth and eventual acquisition. Lawyers understand these transactions and the perspectives of the negotiators involved.

And when the complexity of the particular deal exceeds the expertise of the lawyer on the team, she can play the savvy procurer of legal services, knowing how to target efforts and limit costs. Such experience comes in handy in managing other third-party service providers such as bankers, accountants, and consultants.

While these benefits are valuable, however, they don’t in and of themselves justify a startup hiring a full-time in-house lawyer. Early stage companies — at least those with founders sufficiently experienced or savvy to recognize that they walk a road pitted with legal potholes — tend to manage such standard risks by hiring outside counsel. And while the costs associated with that outside attorney often rank among the highest in a startup’s budget, they do not typically rise to the level of a full-time annual salary. To justify her presence among the first dozen employees, a lawyer must add something beyond legal knowledge to the equation.

Lawyers are trained to ask the right questions at the right times.

Counterintuitively, lawyers can add the strategic absence of knowledge. President Harry Truman famously longed for a “one-handed economist” when presented with the equivocating analysis of his advisers, but executives in politics and business need to understand opposing viewpoints in order to make informed decisions. Legal education and training includes a strong emphasis on questioning assumptions and probing for further information.

Rather than crippling the company through risk aversion and overanalysis, however, having a lawyer on the early team contributes to a data-driven, analytic culture of thoughtful decision making. Further, lawyers are trained as advisers and service providers. They can ask questions, explore options, and execute on answers, but they don’t expect to make the final call. This comfort with playing a supporting role helps avoid the egocentrism that can cripple any organization, particularly a nascent one.

The lawyer’s craft sometimes can be boiled down to a willingness to immerse herself within the “fine print,” offering to read what no one else will on account of complexity, length, or sheer dryness. Trained to ensure that even simple advice is backed by evidence, lawyers read closely to the point of comprehension as a matter of professional responsibility. Such a skill enables a lawyer to take responsibility for a wider variety of important matters. Fledgling startups inevitably have to rely on analysis over experience. Lawyers fit well in such situations.

Not every lawyer is well suited for the gig, however. A lawyer with the qualifications outlined above needs a tolerance for risk. For one thing, she must be willing to give up her plush office and lucrative salary for a computer station at a long table and compensation in the form of prayers, otherwise known as stock options. Her professional risk tolerance must follow suit. An essential attribute of a business attorney is providing “risk-adjusted” advice, and the level of tolerable risk for a startup generally far exceeds that for a Fortune 500 company. Lawyers at startups need to recognize that a workable answer today is often preferable to the perfect answer tomorrow; hand-wringers need not apply.

But risk tolerance must be accompanied by a stiff spine in situations where the company’s momentum (and the CEO’s vision) hurtles on a collision course with the law or the company’s outstanding commitments. In these cases, a willingness to speak up is one of the many things lawyers can bring to the table.

Daniel Doktori is the Chief of Staff and General Counsel at Credly, a digital credential service provider. He previously represented startup companies at WilmerHale, a law firm.

Sarah Reed is the Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel of MPM Capital, a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage life sciences companies. Previously, she was the general counsel of Charles River Ventures, an early-stage technology venture capital firm.

Managing Creditor Risk through Inter-Creditor Agreements


James is the CEO of  HOC Global Logistics, a company which provides shipping solutions to large organisations. Having become tired of leasing cargo ships from large vessel owners, the company desires to purchase its own ships which they can use and also lease to 3rd parties. James approaches Lakeside Bank for a Term Loan to finance the $50 million transaction.

The Bank after reviewing the loan proposal filed by HOC Logistics, informed James that the transaction was larger than Lakeside bank could comfortable handle. However they are able to loan him $20 million on the security of the purchased ship. James accepts the terms and applies for loans from Cityscape Capital Ltd , HSCB, Shanghai Bank  and Union Finance Ltd. The individual loans have different terms, interest rates and security interests. The complexity of the transaction is so mind boggling that James sets up an appointment with his Lawyers to advise him on how to manage the relationships between the multiple creditors in such a manner as to enable the company satisfy all its loan liabilities. He is advised to structure and negotiate an intercreditor agreement among the several creditors, thereby ensuring he has a more convenient financing process.

An intercreditoragreement seeks to govern the relationship between a range of creditors providing finance to the same borrower. An intercreditor agreement entered into by senior and junior creditors can be expected to rank the senior and junior security, subordinate the debt of the junior creditors to that of the senior creditors, restrict the junior creditors’ rights of enforcement for a specified standstill period and impose payment freezes on the junior debt in prescribed default situations.

In highly leveraged transactions such as leveraged buyouts and certain acquisition finance transactions, funding may be structured into a number of different tranches of lenders who stipulate slightly different lending terms and interest rates for the funds they advance. Senior lenders and mezzanine lenders usually take security over the assets of the borrower, over shares acquired and over the target group’s assets. In addition, guarantees will be given by the borrower and may also be given by the target group.

The senior creditors tend to have a stronger negotiating position than do the junior creditors, so it is usual practice for the senior bank lenders and mezzanine lenders to appoint a single security agent (or security trustee) to hold the security package on trust for the benefit of all the secured creditors. The intercreditor agreement contains provisions dealing with enforcement of the security, usually requiring the junior creditors (the mezzanine lenders) to desist from enforcement for the standstill period so as to leave the way clear for the senior creditors (the senior lenders and any hedge counterparties) to instruct the security agent as to when and how to enforce their right to the secured assets.


How can you transfer your music copyrights?


Wale is a music producer. Recently he composed music for a hit track which enjoyed substantial airplay for over 6 months. Consequent upon the success of his track, he was approached by an international music corporation, who requested him to transfer his copyright in the music to the company in return for a one off payment of $200,000 and royalties capped at 5% of  global sales for the next 2 years. They assured him that he would enjoy more concert appearances with the allied revenue streams. Wale is confused and requires advice on his legal rights.

Of all the forms of copyright protected works, music is perhaps the most restricted and licensed. Since music was first broadcast on radio, a vast mechanism for licensing music has emerged from the opposing forces of the recording industry and the radio and TV broadcasting industries.

Copyright ownership can be transferred like any other form of property. Copyright is transmissible by assignment, by testamentary disposition, operation of law, as personal or moveable property. however, to give legal effect to that transmission there must be a written agreement signed by the assignor. Any grant by the copyright owner binds every successor in title except a bona-fide purchaser for value without notice (actual or constructive).

This doesn’t however mean that a copyright cannot be transferred verbally, as it is trite law that a verbal agreement to which both parties have agreed all the terms (i.e. has reached completion) is legally binding. It follows then that a verbal agreement to assign, provided there is no dispute as to the terms of the assignment between the assignor and assignee, is valid and copyright is transmissible by operation of basic contract. It is however advisable that the parties sign a confirmatory assignment agreement which refers retrospectively to the earlier assignment.

The transfer could be partial or total, where the rights owner can transfer all of the exclusive rights his or her grants. In partial assignment, a music author may transfer his reproduction, translation and adaptation rights to a publisher. He may also decide to split his rights between different persons.

Copyright assignment agreements can be limited in terms of duration or territory. The author of a literary work could, for example, assign their right to reproduce it in the UK, Nigeria, Ghana and the Gambia for 4 years.

Copyright assignment agreements can be reversionary, in other words, the rights can revert back to the assignor on the occurrence of an uncertain event, such as an unremedied breach of contract. This protects the assignor from the loss of their rights in the event of the occurrence of certain events which may be vitiate the transfer contract.

The transfer of copyrights contains some knotty issues, which could become highly problematic if not properly managed. When faced with a decision on copyrights, it is best that you seek advice from a qualified legal practitioner, so as to ensure that you take the best steps in the circumstances.

Milton & Cross Solicitors provides advice to entertainers, rights owners, rights administrators and merchandisers. We help them make informed decisions that facilitate high value transactions. Contact us for a free consultation.


An Asset-Backed Security (ABS) is a security instrument whose income payments and hence value is derived from and collateralized (or “backed”) by a specified pool of underlying assets. The pool of assets is typically a group of small and illiquid assets which are unable to be sold individually. Pooling the assets into financial instruments allows them to be sold to general investors; a process called securitization, and allows the risk of investing in the underlying assets to be diversified because each security will represent a fraction of the total value of the diverse pool of underlying assets. The pools of underlying assets can include common payments from physical assets as well as intangible assets such as credit card payments, auto loans, and mortgage loans, to esoteric cash flows from aircraft leases, royalty payments and movie revenues.

In many cases, a separate institution called a special purpose vehicle is created to handle the securitization of asset backed securities. The special purpose vehicle, which creates and sells the securities, uses the proceeds of the sale to pay back the bank that created, or originated, the underlying assets. The special purpose vehicle is responsible for “bundling” the underlying assets into a specified pool that will fit the risk preferences and other needs of investors who might want to buy the securities, for managing credit risk – often by transferring it to an insurance company after paying a premium – and for distributing payments from the securities. As long as the credit risk of the underlying assets is transferred to another institution, the originating bank removes the value of the underlying assets from its balance sheet and receives cash in return as the asset backed securities are sold, a transaction which can improve its credit rating and reduce the amount of capital that it needs. In this case, a credit rating of the asset backed securities would be based only on the assets and liabilities of the special purpose vehicle, and this rating could be higher than if the originating bank issued the securities because the risk of the asset backed securities would no longer be associated with other risks that the originating bank might bear. A higher credit rating could allow the special purpose vehicle and, by extension, the originating institution to pay a lower interest rate (and hence, charge a higher price) on the asset-backed securities than if the originating institution borrowed funds or issued bonds.

Thus, one incentive for banks to create securitized assets is to remove risky assets from their balance sheet by having another institution assume the credit risk, so that they (the banks) receive cash in return. This allows banks to invest more of their capital in new loans or other assets and possibly have a lower capital requirement.

Securitization is the process of creating asset-backed securities by transferring assets from the issuing company to a bankruptcy remote entity. Credit enhancement is an integral component of this process as it creates a security that has a higher rating than the issuing company, which allows the issuing company to monetize its assets while paying a lower rate of interest than would be possible via a secured bank loan or debt issuance by the issuing company.

Asset backed securities provide originators with the advantage of selling these financial assets to the pools, which reduces their risk-weighted assets and thereby frees up their capital, enabling them to originate still more loans. Asset-backed securities also lower the originators risk. In a worst-case scenario where the pool of assets performs very badly, the owner of ABS (which is either the issuer, or the guarantor, or the re-modeler, or the guarantor of the last resort) might pay the price of bankruptcy rather than the originator.

Milton and Cross Commercial Solicitors provides individuals and businesses with legal due diligence and transactional advisory services when structuring, purchasing, or divesting asset backed assets or their derivatives. We also provide trainings to In-house counsel, transaction teams, and investment advisors on these transactions. Please feel free to call us on +2348036258312 or email us at miltoncrosslexng@gmail.com.


The introduction and exploitation of new ideas, the source of all major growth, requires considerable capital investment. Consequently, the degree to which an organization will develop is highly dependent upon its ability to marshal and direct a consistent flow of external funds towards the development and marketing of new products and services. This is the concept of using OPM (Other Peoples Money).

The Pecking order theory of financial management states that all things being equal, a company with high prospects of success is more likely to finance its investment projects using internally generated capital, followed by debt finance (mortgages, debentures), and finally equity based financing (common stock, preferred stock). This is premised on the view that the company would be able to generate sufficient income from the project to refund the monies borrowed and the interest thereon.

However the ability of a firm to invest in new projects is directly tied to its cost of capital; that is, the interest rate at which the organization may raise finance from a bank or financial entity. As a general rule, the higher the risk free interest rate, which is the interest rate at which 3-Month Treasury Bills are sold in the money market, the higher the cost of capital within the economy.

Look at it this way, if a bank could receive a sure return of 10% per annum by investing its funds in Treasury bills, wouldn’t it require a higher rate of return from a prospective borrower who presents a substantially riskier project? Banks are assumed to be risk averse, and consequently they are likely to penalize borrowers for each additional unit of risk in the form of increased interest rates.

Money is expensive and when we look at balance sheets of Nigerian companies it becomes readily evident that the cost of loans is a growing problem. A high cost of capital has the effect of stifling innovation and often leads to capital flight and domestic unemployment, as companies seek greener economies with more favourable costs of capital.

Fortunately, alternative means of finance presently exist which seek to circumvent the high costs of capital imposed by banks (who by the way need to finance their high overheads by charging high interest rates on loans to customers). These means include Peer to Peer Business lending, SME financing programs (especially for entrepreneurs in the agricultural space), Soft loans and Business support grants from non governmental organizations. Furthermore, most states have in place business empowerment programs which provide low interest finance to entrepreneurs who have viable business plans.

The concept of using OPM still exists, but unless management can objectively justify the assumption of debt, it is advisable that the use of debt financing be minimized whensoever Treasury bill yields are high. It is also advisable that firms invest in Capital projects designed to boost its revenue base, as opposed to revenue expenditure, which only serves to deplete the organization’s capital base.

If you feel you need to discuss options for capitalisation of your business, feel free to discuss with one of our consultants by calling +2348036258312 or send and email to miltoncrosslexng@gmail.com and someone will get back to you.