More Real Estate Investment Strategies that will Make you Rich 2

Flipping Real Estate


Outside Nigeria, flipping houses is one of the more popular tactics for making money in real estate, due largely to the numerous shows on cable TV that promote it.  House flipping is the practice of buying a piece of real estate at a discounted price, improving it in some way, and then selling it for a financial gain. In reality, the flipping model is quite similar to the “buy low, sell high” model of most retail businesses.

The most popular type of property to flip is the single family home. Following a rule of thumb known as the 70% rule, an experienced house flipper will buy a home for 70% of its current value less any rehab costs. For example: Home A should be worth N1,000,000 if it were in good condition, but it needs N200,000 worth of work. A typical house flipper will purchase the home for N500,000 (N1,000,000 x 70% – N200,000) and seek to sell it for the full N1,000,000 when completed. This is simply a rule of thumb, and actual numbers must be verified by a qualified construction expert and adjusted to ensure a successful and profitable flip.

Flipping is not a “passive” activity, but instead is just like an active day job. When an investor stops flipping, they stop making money until they begin flipping again. Many investors choose to use flipping to fund their day-to-day bills, as well as provide financial support for other, more passive investments.

More Real Estate Strategies that will make you Rich

Continued from Yesterday’s post….

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Now that we know the various types of real estate investments an investor can undertake, it is time to look at the different strategies an investor can use to unlock value from his real estate investment. While you can use any of the investment vehicles discussed yesterday in your career, you must next learn an investment strategy that you can apply to that niche. As an investor you will use a variety of strategies when dealing with these investment niches to produce wealth.

This article series explores three of the most common strategies that you can use to make money in real estate.

Buy and Hold

Perhaps the most common form of investing, the “buy and hold strategy” involves purchasing a property and renting it out for an extended period of time. It is probably the most simple and purest form of real estate investing that there is. Essentially, a “buy and hold investor” seeks to create wealth by renting the property out and either collecting monthly cash flow or simply holding the property until it can be sold for a gain in the future. the advantage is that the investor may receive cash flow from renting out the property.

By far the most common mistake that we see new investors make with this strategy is buying bad deals because they simply don’t understand property evaluation. Other common problems include underestimating expenses,making bad decisions on tenant selection, and failing to manage properly.

These mistakes can all be avoided, however, if you simply learn the business; jumping in without proper education can be extremely costly financially and sometimes, legally.To properly carry out the buy and hold strategy, an investor should learn how to properly identify the ebbs and flows of the market that a property is located in. Ultimately, when they perceive the market and the properties they are interested in to be at a low point (prices low, inventory high), the buy and hold investor seeks to purchase properties. When the market becomes over-heated, an experienced buy and hold investor will usually stop buying until they see things settle back down. During these slow periods, they may sell or simply continue to hold their properties.

Real Estate Cycle

Real Estate Investment Strategies that will make you Rich


It is generally accepted that real estate is a key element of wealth creation. As a factor of production, real estate generates passive income for its owner in the way of rents, royalties (for property that contains mineral resources) and capital gains from sales of the property to another purchaser at a higher price.

In a way, learning how to invest in real estate is like selecting a piece of chocolate from a box of chocolates. There are dozens (if not hundreds) of different ways to make money as a real estate investor, and it’s up to you to choose the niche you want to get into.Learning how to successfully invest in real estate is about choosing one niche and becoming a master of it.

This article is going to open up that box of chocolates for you to sample and let you see some of the most common niches you can get into when investing in real estate. Here are some strategies you can apply to build a real estate portfolio that will make you rich within a reasonable amount of time.

  1. Choose the type of real estate you prefer and understand the risks

The following list includes the most common property types that you are likely to deal with as a real estate investor.

  • Raw Land: Raw land is nothing more than basic earth. Land on its own can be improved to add value, and it can be leased or rented to create cash flow. Land can also be subdivided and sold for profit. Some investors choose to buy raw land with hopes (or plans) that someday the land will become much more valuable due to external developments like the construction of an expressway or from a development being built nearby.

Raw Land

  • Detached/Semi Detached/Terrace  Houses: These buildings usually house single or multiple families (usually less than 5 in Nigeria). These homes are relatively easy to rent, easy to sell, and easy to finance. That said, in many areas, the rents derived from these homes  won’t be sufficient to provide positive cash flow to offset the cost of construction. In such situations, it is better to invest in multiple family homes which provide much better cash flow as economies of scale may arise.

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  • Small Apartments: These properties often provide significant cash flow for the investor who can deal with the more management-intense nature of the properties. However they are significantly harder to finance and manage than the single family units. The value of these properties are based on the income they bring in. This creates a huge opportunity for adding value by increasing rent, decreasing expenses, and managing effectively. These properties are a great place to utilize property managers who manage and perform maintenance in exchange for a management fee.

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  • Commercial Property: Commercial investments can vary dramatically in size, style, and purpose, but ultimately involve a property that is leased to a business. Some commercial investors rent buildings to small local businesses, while others rent large spaces to supermarkets or big box megastores. While commercial properties often provide good cash flow and consistent payments, they also may carry with them much longer holding periods during times of vacancies; commercial property can often sit empty for many months or years. Unless you are starting from a very solid financial position, investing in commercial real estate is not recommended for beginners.

  • Real Estate Investment Trusts:  a REIT is to a real estate property as a mutual fund is to a stock. A large number of individuals pool their funds together, forming a REIT, and allow the REIT to purchase large real estate investments, such as shopping malls, large apartment complexes, skyscrapers, or bulk amounts of single family homes. The REIT then distributes profits to individual investors. This is one of the most hands-off approach to investing in Real Estate, but do not expect the returns found in hands-on investing. You can buy shares in a REIT via your stock account, and they often have a relatively high dividend payment.

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What It Means to Be a 21st-Century Lawyer

Happy New week to you all, My weekend was really great.  During the weekend I came across this article about what it takes to be a 21st century Lawyer. I found this insightful and I just could not hold back but share it here with my awesome followers and colleagues in the profession.I hope you find it useful as I also found it useful. Have a good read and have a good week ahead.

Much has been written about disruption in the legal services space of late. The working thesis is that for hundreds of years lawyers have been able to apply the same business model to define their relationships with both clients and society at large. One view of the legal profession has always been that lawyers operate like both scholars and advocates. With written and spoken words as their tools, lawyers shape both case law and statutory law. By creating those laws, they help define “appropriate” forms of social conduct and enable the creation of business structures that define our commercial conduct. While people outside of the legal profession could advocate for causes and help shape the creation of laws that reflect the societal thinking of the time, lawyers are mostly left to create that content.

Read  more via this  link

Culled from:


Legal Issues you Need to Know When Launching a Startup this year

Opeyemi was a successful engineer with an oil and gas servicing company; his job paid well and provided him with many perks and benefits. He lived in Lekki Phase 1, drove a nice car  and traveled round regularly to any country he wished.

In October 2016, Opeyemi came in to the office early and did his work as usual. Around 3pm, his boss called him into his office for a chat and informed him that due to cash flow issues affecting the company, the Board of Directors had decided to reduce the staff strength of the company. Consequently, Opeyemi was sacked with immediate effect.

Opeyemi is distraught and fearful of the future. He has heavy costs to bear and no way to provide for his lifestyle. After a conversation with his friends, he has decided to set up his own business in order to generate income.

Many Nigerians are Opeyemi’s shoes.

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After the recession with the attendant economic challenges and job losses that characterized 2016, it is understandable that individuals may want to start their own businesses in 2017. We have decided to give you some tips on forming a company, financing, and other things you may not have thought of but will definitely need to if you’re getting a business off the ground in 2017.



You won’t believe it, but some startup founders actually forget to actually form the company. They buy a domain name, set up a website, trademark the name and in some instances, actually raise substantial financing before they think of setting up a company. This course of action is risky because the founder may discover, too late, that the business name under which he had been operating already belonged to another company. Another obvious problem would be the inability of the startup to open a corporate bank account due to the unavailability of documentation.


Many entrepreneurs commence businesses with partners on the basis of trust and do not sign any partnership agreement or founders agreement with their partners or co-founders. This situation often leads to very messy consequences especially when a partner desire to leave the business or where the creditors of a partner seek to recover any debts owed by the partner from the company. In such situations, the Partnership Act states that the profits and liabilities of the company will be divided equally among the properties, even though the claiming party may have provided a lower portion of the capital for the business.


A common feature in technology startups is the contracting of technical work to independent contractors in return for a percentage ownership of the company or a percentage of the revenues from the business. It is really important to always promise a certain number of shares as opposed to a percentage because 5% before raising financing is a lot less than 5% after raising financing. If you don’t get around to actually doing the grant until post-financing, then all of the sudden you have given away a lot more of the company than you initially intended.


 When you’re thinking about what name you want to go to market with, always start with a trademark search so you can be sure that nobody else holds a trademark on the name within the class of goods or services. This will also help you avoid a potential problem down the road.

If someone comes to you and says you have to stop using their trademark, you’ll have to rename everything. Founders become very attached to their names, and they would like to fight it, and that might be a misuse of time and effort that could have been avoided at the beginning.

These issues and more should be deeply considered during the startup process, thereby reducing waste of time and energy and allowing you focus more on building a successful business than fending off threats to your business.

Milton and Cross Commercial Solicitors  provides legal advisory services to startup owners and investors. In addition, our affiliate company Upscale Business Resources provides business advisory services to Startup owners, allowing them to scale fast and well, and unlocking value from their operations. We may be contacted on 08036258312 or by sending an email to

An Analysis of The Nigerian Real Estate Market


Buying real estate in Nigeria without an understanding of the real estate environment within the country may be likened to walking into a river without first checking how deep it is.

Marketers often portray the real estate market as a treasure bank where you put in some money and get a lot more in return; you often hear phrases like:

‘Property Appreciates’,

‘Get rich from real estate’,

‘Don’t wait to buy, Buy and Wait’,

Loads of pure nonsense, if you ask me

We have taken the liberty to bring you a few reports on the Nigerian real estate market. Click on the headings to get to the reports

  1. Bluehedge Realtors Analysis of the Nigerian Real Estate Market:

This report is issued by Bluehedge Realtors a professional firm of Estate Surveyors and Valuers. The report is a bit low on detailed content, but it gives a quick overview of the real estate market in Lagos state

2. MCO Realties Q3 2016 report

This report issued by MCO Realities gives a quasi detailed discussion of the state of the real estate market within Lagos state, with a bias towards properties locate within Lagos Island. This report is short and sweet, and contains enough information to help you hold your own in a conversation. Top marks MCO.

3. Northcourt Nigerian Real Estate Market Outlook 2016

This rather lengthy report issued by Northcourt Real Estate reads like an investment proposal. It deals with a wider scope of locations and delves into the fundamentals that affect the property market. Quite a good read, if you can get past all the filler material.

Milton & Cross provides Real Estate Investment Advisory services to large scale and small scale investors within and outside Lagos state. We have adviced clients on several successful and value added transactions within Nigeria.